Policy & Privacy

This Privacy Policy aims to describe the purposes and methods through which Openjobmetis S.p.A., with registered office in Milan, Via Assietta 19, as Data Controller (“Company” or “Controller”), collects and processes personal data relating to the user (“User/Users”) who interacts with the website http://www.openjobmetis.it and https://openjobmetis.dyndevicelcms.com (“Website”) and with the various services it offers.

The information contained in this Privacy Policy is provided pursuant to EU Regulation of 27 April 2016 n. 679 (“Regulation”), of Legislative Decree 196/2003 (“Privacy Code”), as well as the Provisions issued by the Guarantor Authority for the protection of personal data (“Guarantor”) and the Guidelines of the European authorities.

The information regarding data processing is provided only for the Website and for the processing carried out by the Company and does not cover processing carried out by third parties through other sites that may be consulted by the User via links. In relation to this further processing, the Company assumes no responsibility as the User must refer to the individual Privacy Policies of third-party sites.

1.    Data Controller 

The Data Controller is the Company, as indicated.

2.    Purpose and legal basis of the processing

The Company may process the User's data through the site for the following purposes:

a.    Database registration and sending of applications for temporary positions: see Policy for candidates for temporary positions.

b.    Collection of applications for internal positions: see Policy for candidates for organisational positions.

c.    Quality and Assistance Service. Through the sections of the Website "Contacts - quality service" and "Contacts - HELP-FAQ", the Controller offers the User the option to send messages and/or complaints to the Company regarding the services it offers and request assistance from the Company in relation to the services offered on the Website. In this regard, the personal data provided by the User will be processed by the Company to take charge, correctly manage and respond to the User's message/request. The legal basis of the processing is the execution of the service expressly requested by the User and any refusal to provide personal data makes it impossible for the Company to manage and respond to the message or request.

d.    Request candidate profile. Through the "Companies - request profile" section of the Website, the Controller offers the User, if it is a company, the option to request from the Company, as part of the temporary employment services it offers, a candidate in line with the position available and its specific requirements, by entering the identification and contact details of the company, as well as a contact person. The legal basis of the processing is the execution of the temporary employment contract (and/or pre-contractual measures aimed at establishing this) expressly requested by the User/company and any refusal to provide the data makes it impossible for the Company to manage and carry out the temporary employment service.

e.    Megaphone. Through the "Companies - megaphone" section of the website, the Controller allows the User to enter its data (identification data and contact details, e.g. email address and/or telephone number) on which the User requests to be contacted) to be contacted directly by the Company consultant best suited to provide the User with the requested information and meet the User's needs. The legal basis of the processing is the execution of the service expressly requested by the User and by any pre-contractual measures aimed at establishing a contractual relationship with the Company, if the User is not a client. Any refusal to provide personal data makes it impossible for the Company to manage and respond to the request received.

f.    Pursuit of the legitimate interests of the Company and/or third parties. The User's data may also be used for exercising the rights and legitimate interests of the Company and/or third parties (including other companies of the Openjobmetis Group), for example the right of defence in court, the management of complaints and of litigation, possible debt recovery, the prevention of fraud and/or illegal activities. In these cases, although the provision of the User's personal data is not mandatory, it is nevertheless necessary as this data is strictly related and instrumental to the pursuit of these legitimate interests which do not prevail over the fundamental rights and freedom of the User, and any refusal to provide it could make it impossible to provide the requested services (e.g. requesting information from the Company, requesting a candidateetc.).

g.    Compliance with legal requirements and/or applicable requirements. The Company may also use the personal data provided by the User or otherwise acquired during the User's interaction with the Website for purposes related to the execution of legal requirements, regulations, national and/or community regulations as well as deriving from provisions issued by legitimate authorities, which are the legal basis of the processing, without the need to obtain the User's prior consent.

h.    Carrying out aggregate statistical analyses anonymously in order to improve the performance and services offered by the Company through the Website. In this case, no consent from the User will be required, as the specified processing will be carried out solely on anonymous data.

i.    Sending newsletters and communications on the Company's activities and services. Through the "Investors - newsletter" section of the Website, the Controller offers the User, subject to his express consent, the option to receive, via automated channels (e.g. fax and email), newsletters, commercial communications and general information and updates on the results and activities of the Company. The legal basis of the processing in this case is the optional consent of the User who is able to freely choose whether to receive such communications. Failure of the User to provide consent will not in any way preclude the opportunity to use the services of the Company and the Website. The User may object to the mailings and cancel his/her consent, even partially for individual communication channels, by referring the contact details indicated in par. 6 of this Privacy Policy, as well as by clicking on the appropriate unsubscribe link contained in the emails sent.

3.    Categories of data processed

The Company, through the Website, receives and collects information relating to the User who visits the Website pages and uses the web services available. In particular, the Company acquires and processes the following information.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

3.1     Data collected through browsing and through cookies

When the User visits the Site, the latter collects some data, such as the pages viewed, the links or buttons clicked by the User, the date and time of access, the User's IP address, the navigation browser and the operating system used (so-called “browsing data”). Browsing data, by its very nature, could allow the User to be identified also through processing and association with data held by third parties. However, the Company uses this data for the sole purpose of obtaining statistical and anonymous information on the use of the Website for purposes strictly related to its functioning. The browsing data could also be used to ascertain liability in the event of any cybercrime in relation the Site.

Secondly, please visit the Cookies Policy in relation to the collection of User data through cookies and similar technologies.

3.2    Data provided voluntarily by the User 

The Company limits the collection of information voluntarily provided by the User to that necessary to pursue the purposes illustrated in paragraph 2 above and the services expressly requested. Furthermore, the Company may collect and process further personal data when this is provided voluntarily by the User, as part of the services offered by the Site, for example if the User contacts the Company to report disservices or malfunctions, request assistance, exercise his/her rights regarding the processing of personal data etc. Such data will be processed by the Company solely for the purposes strictly related to the User's request. Failure to provide data may make it impossible to obtain the requested service.

4.    Communication of data to third parties

The data provided by the User as well as that collected by the Site as part of the related services (e.g. IP address) will not be disclosed and may be communicated for the purposes and methods illustrated in this Privacy Policy to the parties indicated below:

•    to companies of Openjobmetis Group for administrative purposes, for the pursuit of the legitimate interests of the Company and/or third parties and for the purpose of carrying out the services expressly requested by the User;

•    subject to the express consent of the User, to companies of Openjobmetis Group and to the subsidiary Seltis Hub S.r.l., for carrying out the respective selection and recruitment activities;

•    in the case of a User/company, candidates for the job position that may be offered by the User and/or temporary workers of the Company whose work activity the User intends to make use of;

•    companies, collaborators, consultants or freelancers that the Company uses to carry out tasks of a technical or organizational nature (such as IT service providers), or with which the Company collaborates for the purposes of the provision and operation of its services, or for any communication activities;

•    people, companies or professional firms that provide assistance and consultancy to the Company, with reference, but not exclusively, to accounting, administrative, legal, tax and financial matters;

•    persons whose right to access the data is recognized by legal provisions or orders from the authorities.

The parties belonging to the categories indicated above will use the data as independent data controllers in accordance with the law or as data processors duly appointed by the Company. 

These persons may be based in Italy and/or EU countries. 

The list of parties to whom the data is or can be communicated can be requested from the Company via the "Contacts" section of the Website.

5.    Data storage

The User's data will be kept for the time necessary to pursue the purposes for which it was collected and to carry out the related instrumental activities, as indicated in the previous paragraph 2, after which it will be kept in compliance with the ordinary limitation periods identified by the Civil Code or by specific legal provisions, for administrative purposes and/or to assert or defend a right or legitimate interest and will be deleted when the purposes for it was collected cease to exist.

Secondly, the personal data collected for the purposes of evaluating applications in relation to positions within the Openjobmetis structure will be kept for 24 months from when it was provided.

Finally, the data collected for the purposes of sending newsletters is retained until the User unsubscribes/opposes.

At the end of these periods, the data will be stored anonymously for analytical and statistical purposes.

6.    Rights

The User may exercise, in the cases expressly provided for by law and where applicable, the rights provided for by the Regulation. In particular, the User has the right to:

    request confirmation that the processing of his/her personal data is underway and, in this case, ask the Data Controller for access to information relating to the processing itself (e.g. purpose, categories of data processed, recipients or categories of recipients of the data, retention period etc.);

    request rectification of inaccurate or incomplete data;

    request data to be deleted;

    ask for restrictions on the processing.

    receive in a commonly used, structured format and readable by an automatic device, the personal data concerning him/her and transmit it to another controller, or request direct transmission from one controller to another, if technically feasible (so-called "data portability");

    revoke the consent given at any time, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the revocation.

The User also has the right to object, fully or partially, for legitimate reasons, to the processing of personal data concerning him/her, as well as the right to object at any time to marketing purposes (including partially for individual channels). 

These rights can be exercised directly by sending a message to the following email address: privacy@openjob.it.

Finally, if he/she believes that the processing of the data provided violates the legislation on the protection of personal data, the User has the right to lodge a complaint with the Guarantor Authority for the protection of personal data (www.garanteprivacy.it ).

7.    Changes to the Privacy Policy

The Company reserves the right to make changes to this Privacy and Cookie Policy at any time through the publication of announcements on the Website. The User is asked to check the Website for these updates.

Should the changes be significant and/or have a significant impact on the User’s rights, the Company may communicate this to the User via a different method (e.g. sending an email). 

8.   Data Protection Officer

Il Data Protection Officer (“DPO”) of Openjobmetis can be contacted at the e-mail address privacyofficer@openjob.it

Privacy Policy updated on 14 May 2024.

Policy temporary employment candidates 
Policy candidates for internal positions
Policy Clients
Policy for person discharging managerial responsibilities